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Consign with Us
Rules for consignment:
*All clothing that NEEDS TO BE on hangers, MUST BE on hangers. Other clothing items can be neatly folded in boxes or totes.
*All clothing must be cleaned, pressed, and free of rips, stains, or defects. All non-clothing items must be in working order, clean, and free of defects.
*All consignment periods are 90 days. After 90 days, items belong to the store to discount or donate as appropriate.
*NOTHING IS RETURNED after the consignment period is over. Donations are made to local charities of our choosing. Donation receipts are available at year end for all consignors as needed.
Seasons for consignment intake:
Spring (Feb/Mar); Summer (Apr/Jun); Fall (Aug/Sep); Winter (Oct/Dec); No intake in January and July.
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